How to Loss Weight in 7 Days with no Weight loss Pills

Weight loss cannot be achieved in a day or two, and we are all impatient whenever it comes to getting the waist line close to the zero figure mark. But, as we all know, weight loss, especially a healthy one, takes more time than we can imagine. It's a process, and your body needs to adapt to the changes that you make to your routine, exercises and to your diet. Today, let's look at some tips on how to lose weight in a week:

1. Eat 6 more portion aday, Instead of 3 big ones: Eating more often, but smaller meals can boost your metabolism, helping you lose    weight almost effortlessly
2. Don't Skip your breakfast:
 Not only healthy breakfast can supply you with the boost of energy in the morning, but also, it will help to keep your hunger at bay later during the day, so that you will snack less. Go for the mix of fresh fruits, protein and whole grains, when preparing your breakfast.

3. Energize yourself with Music: 
  As I already mentioned above, exercising can efficiently help you to lose weight, but what can add even more of a boost to your working out routine is a good, rhythmic, energizing music. Load you mp3 player with your favorite songs and hit the gym to work hard for your desired figure.


4. No More SODA:  
Avoid drinking soda and other sugary drinks, because they are packed with plenty of calories and sugar, that you don’t even notice. Did you know that a can of Coke contains 39 grams of sugar? Therefore, consuming these kind of drinks, definitely, won’t help you to lose weight, especially, if you want to see quick results

5.  Reduce the Size of your portion:

 Well, this doesn’t mean that you need to reduce your portion size to nothing, it shouldn’t be extremely small; the food you eat should still supply you with all the necessary energy for living, but if you even slightly reduce the size of your meals (for example, by ¾), your weight loss results will be visible as quickly, as in one week.


6. Exercise to Loss Weight:

If you wonder how to lose weight in a week, sport can definitely help. Here are some top most effective exercises that can help you shed pounds: jogging, walking, step aerobics, swimming, bicycling, elliptical burner, dancing, zumba and house cleansing.


7. Don't Skip Meal:
 First of all, skipping meals can slow down your metabolism, which, in turn, can make the weight loss process very slow and more difficult. Also, if you skip meals, your feeling of hunger will grow even more, so that the temptation to overeat will become even greater.



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