
Showing posts from June 22, 2016

How to Loss Weight in 7 Days with no Weight loss Pills

Weight loss cannot be achieved in a day or two, and we are all impatient whenever it comes to getting the waist line close to the zero figure mark. But, as we all know, weight loss, especially a healthy one, takes more time than we can imagine. It's a process, and your body needs to adapt to the changes that you make to your routine, exercises and to your diet. Today, let's look at some tips on how to lose weight in a week:   1. Eat 6 more portion aday, Instead of 3 big ones : Eating more often, but smaller meals can boost your metabolism, helping you lose    weight almost effortlessly   2. Don't Skip your breakfast:   Not only healthy breakfast can supply you with the boost of energy in the morning, but also, it will help to keep your hunger at bay later during the day, so that you will snack less. Go for the mix of fresh fruits, protein and whole grains, when preparing your breakfast. 3. Energize yourself with Music:     As I already me